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Take the first step
towards healing

Ready to nourish your body?

  • Susan believes food is more than just calories; food is information for your cells. Food can program your cells with messages of wellness or of disease. 

  • She puts the word nutrients back into nutrition and helps you to remove dieting and deprivation from your vocabulary. 

  • Susan believes nutrition is bio-individual; there is no one-size fits all approach or magic pill. Every body is different and deserves a personalized approach. 

  • She believes how you nourish yourself off of the plate is as important as what is on your plate.

  • Susan believes that once you bring your body into balance bio-chemically, you can reverse your symptoms and achieve optimal health.  

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Meet Susan

Mom, personal trainer, lacrosse coach, functional nutrition practitioner and pizza lover, dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health. My journey to find functional nutrition began while relentlessly searching for answers to a lifetime of personal health struggles. My mission is to provide you and your family a personalized roadmap to accelerate your healing using food as medicine.

Nourish with Susan Brown is for you if you have:

Digestive Issues

Blood Sugar Dysregulation

Auto-immune Conditions

Hormone Imbalances

Mood Disorders

Chronic Fatigue


Nourish with Susan Brown is for your family if you have:

A child who is a picky eater 

An athlete looking to fuel performance

A child with digestive woes

A child with anxiety, asthma, auto-immune, acne or ADHD

A child with PANS / PANDAS

A college student looking for support at school

My Approach

The dieting industry is a 75 billion dollar machine promising quick fixes to 45 million people each year. With functional nutrition I help you tune out of the noise and confusion in the media and help you tune into what your body is telling you so we can bring it back to balance. Got white spots on your fingernails? Need zinc! Get crazy insect bites? Could be low B6 or EBV. Have anxiety? Let’s boost your D and folate levels. Bloating within an hour of eating? Gotta address stomach acid. Chronic headaches? Let’s look at hidden food sensitivities. Can’t tolerate wine anymore? Let’s give your liver some love. Sleepy in the afternoon? We need to balance your blood sugar. Understanding the signals your body is giving you is empowering and puts you in the driver’s seat for your health.  


Using the Comprehensive Nutri Q questionnaire, your three day food and mood journal and your health history, together we design a protocol for your body that addresses to nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management and supplements that works for your lifestyle. You won’t find strict meal plans or counting any calories with me; we work smarter not harder. We remove the stressors taxing your body and add habits that balance the body and build resilience. Your body -  given half a chance - is designed for self - healing; our job is to give it the tools to set you up for success.

What is Functional Nutrition?

A FNTP is certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association. FNTP’s draw on a holistic approach to healing, which considers the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. They recognize that disease is complex so they focus on the concept of bio-individuality: where every individual has a specific genetic, ancestral and geographic makeup that determines their own unique nutritional needs. Many nutrition programs fail because they take a “one size fits all” approach that ignores bio-individuality.

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Mother/Daughter Transformations!

When my college age daughter had major surgery last year, my doctor recommended I speak to Susan about helping with post op recovery. Turns out this surgery changed both of us. Susan taught my daughter how to approach her rehabilitation journey by following an anti-inflammatory diet. Despite being a very picky eater, Susan worked with her and gently moved her in the right direction. My daughter's recovery has astounded her surgeon! Susan taught her not only about food and how to use it as fuel, but also how to change her approach to cooking and planning for her meals to help her recover. That has been life changing for her!

Now for me! Once I saw how Susan's education was working with my daughter, I realized that I needed help too. Over the past 9 months I have learned how to cook better, shop for foods (she actually showed me how to shop properly by reading labels) and my triglycerides dropped over 60 points!!! I also went from taking Pepcid every day for heartburn to not needing it all! This is all due to Susan!
Susan is a true motivator and her passion for her work is what has helped us succeed! Who would have thought that a major surgery for my daughter would end up changing both our lives for the better!

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Ready to Nourish Your Body?

We offer a variety of services and programs to help you achieve your optimal health goals. 


Join us and discover how simple choices can transform your life for the better. Our goal is to simplify the path to wellness by providing you with practical tips, tools, and resources to make healthy choices effortlessly.


Let's Chat!

Book a Discovery Call with Susan to learn more.
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