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Client Testimonials

Mother/Daughter Transformations!

When my college age daughter had major surgery last year, my doctor recommended I speak to Susan about helping with post op recovery. Turns out this surgery changed both of us. Susan taught my daughter how to approach her rehabilitation journey by following an anti-inflammatory diet. Despite being a very picky eater, Susan worked with her and gently moved her in the right direction. My daughter's recovery has astounded her surgeon! Susan taught her not only about food and how to use it as fuel, but also how to change her approach to cooking and planning for her meals to help her recover. That has been life changing for her!

Now for me! Once I saw how Susan's education was working with my daughter, I realized that I needed help too. Over the past 9 months I have learned how to cook better, shop for foods (she actually showed me how to shop properly by reading labels) and my triglycerides dropped over 60 points!!! I also went from taking Pepcid every day for heartburn to not needing it all! This is all due to Susan!
Susan is a true motivator and her passion for her work is what has helped us succeed! Who would have thought that a major surgery for my daughter would end up changing both our lives for the better!

Ready to nourish your body and achieve optimal health? Let's get started.

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